
I see no problem for Win 3.x and Win32s, we still have customers with Win9x. Many of the projects are contained in the only .exe file, so requirement of extra .dll is not nice. One more thing is that my libraries are non-UNICODE, but I do not see a big reason to do rewrite a working piece of code until HVM internals does not allow to contain multi-language strings and rewrite do not add new fuctionality.

Maybe some macros like HB_PARSTR() can help to implement a good layer for UNICODE/non-UNICODE versions of app. It can help to make code clean and easy maintainable.


On 2010.04.29 15:13, Viktor Szakáts wrote:
If that simplifies things (which it definitely does), and
the majority of developers agree with it, we can drop
non-UNICODE mode altogether from Harbour source code.

It's unlikely we shall ever support Windows 3.x or Win32s,
and unicows solution works just perfect now to cover Win9x/ME
host versions, so I can see no hard reason to maintain duplicate
code paths for both UNICODE and non-UNICODE Windows API

Having only UNICODE path could greatly simplify code in
many crucial points, making it easier to maintain,
extend, debug and keep bug free. Especially if we want
to move towards internal (HVM) unicode support in the

Any opinions on this?
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