>> What is the reason you want to handle "line" 
>> selection separately from stream selection?
>> Line selection looks like a stream which ends 
>> and begins at column zero.
>> Could be much simpler with two modes: stream and block.
> It's not the same.
> When you paste line selected block then you do not have to
> keep cursor at column 0 to insert it as whole lines. Stream
> block has such condition otherwise pasted text will start
> at current cursor column.
> In general line blocks allow to select and paste whole
> lines without respecting the cursor column position.
> It's really useful feature.

I know I have to also paste it in column 1.

Which is where you are when you made the selection, 
so requires no extra attention in most case, if it 
does, a Home button will get it right in a natural 

So, I never in the last 15 years missed this feature. 
Stream handles the matter just fine:
  Home, Shift+Up/Down, <copy>, PgUp/PgDn/Up/Down 
  to proper place, <paste>, bingo.

Seems much simpler than selecting between 3 different 
selection modes, keeping them in mind, mousing in 
between and pressing out of reach keys like F11, let 
alone Shift+F11.

Simplicity is key, and I highly miss that in this 

BTW I have to think very hard to find an editor 
with separate line selection feature, I couldn't 
even tell one, except maybe some CUI based ones, 
like MC's built in editor, where it's the only 
(or default?) option.


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