> El 27/05/2010 11:16, Horodyski Marek (PZUZ) escribió:
>> Viktor,
>> ...  Harbour is beautiful, beautiful, and once again fast :)
>> Best regards,
>> Marek Horodyski
> Amen !!!!

Well, what stays true from this whole conversation 
is we are truly missing documentation. It's also true 
that bugging (or insulting) me or other core developers 
to make it isn't a working solution, however strong 
the emphasis is or however often it is done. 

That's still leaves us with the question:

How will Harbour get a documentation?

If anyone has any ideas, pls tell it. I'm ready to 
hand off my leader role for someone who is able to 
show us the solution and seems able and willing to 
lead the project to actual results here.


Now that we have practically complete compatibility 
with xhb, one (indeed idealistic) and also utopistic 
solution could be to finally remerge the effort of 
xhb and Harbour, where xhb would bring the docs, 
and we'd bring the code. This way both parties would 
bring its healthy part to the "marriage". xhb leaders 
would gain a strong and living codebase for their 
payware products, all users would gain good documentation, 
and as a "byproduct" the two separate communities 
would be merged, which is probably better to keep 
[x]Harbour alive as a language, and also for users 
seeking to have a compatible Harbour base, and the 
option for users to get paid support without having 
to chose between "worlds" (this means more potential 
market for xhb). "culture clash" could be one potential 
problem, but it's not a one-way ticket, since the 
sources stay open, so it's easy to back off in case 
of some fatal "issue" along the way.

It's not a real argument, but looking around the 
FOSS language landscape, I can't see any successful 
project which could "afford" such splitting of the 
community and the luxury of having two of everything.

So, such merge would IMO be a net win for all parties.

If someone has an opinion on this, particularly 
xhb team leaders and our core developers and devoted 
brains around this list, please don't hesitate to 
express it.

> Some hummor (really?) to ease the day ;)
> http://www.kevinwilliampang.com/2008/08/28/top-10-things-that-annoy-programmers/

Not joke, but it's a good one :)


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