> To put it an other way, the crucial subject today, is not any  more the open 
> source code. It is (and always was) the open knowledge.

Nobody ever promised that knowledge or mastery will automatically 
fly into the users' brains, just by having access to the information, 
be it open source, blueprints, scientific papers or the wikipedia.

Pls remember that even such _quite well documented_, _fully open_ 
and long time known systems as Linux, have several companies 
_earning_ large sums of money by supporting them (f.e. Red Hat), 
selling workforce who do actually understand the system and 
_translates_ that to knowledge for the benefit of customers/users, 
even in the form of documentation.

All of these require an _effort_. You can do this effort yourself, 
or you can ask other to do that. In latter case, you either pay 
for it or motivate them by other means. Second option seems more 
complicated with documentation (than with code) as it is huge work 
and the one who does it doesn't benefit from it in too many ways.

Looks like it's not enough to give something for free to expect 
any sort of return for it.

> Why we have such a brilliant and huge amount of excellent code, like Harbour 
> has become thanks to your (and all of developers) tremendous efforts and not 
> an analogous documentation?

See above.

> We said, it is difficult to create documentation. but if we think it better, 
> difficulty is not the main reason. The main reason is that nobody wants 
> documentation so much, nobody is "burned" to create it. and the deeper cause 
> of this, is the lack of belief to the great value of a documentation, is the 
> lack of belief to the vital significance of a manual, it is because we are 
> much eager for

I think nobody ever questioned that documentation and samples 
are nice and useful, or even crucial. That was never a question.

> Viktor, i 'm not interest to bugging you, (i don't know what exactly the 
> "bugging" is, or means, but if it is related to the activity of a bug, then i 
> think it's my time to start feeling offended. However, feeling offended or 
> not, doesn't cure my real displeasure to feel almost guilty because i can't 
> find a practical way to effectively contribute documentation.

Bugging is: "write documentation friendly code", "create samples", 
"create good comments"

Did you notice I created INSTALL, with 330 updates in the last 
15 months? Did you notice Przemek creating lots of e-mails which 
are better than most written documentation, or not to mention 
xhb-diff.txt, which is almost like an academic paper? Or I could 
mention docs created by Pritpal for HBIDE. Can you imagine how 
much time does it take to create these thing? If you don't, just 
keep on asking for more, or telling what you tell, you risk that 
some will find it as "bugging".

Overall, I see no lack in "lead by example" here... The problem 
is there is nobody to follow.

Demanding more without appreciating work already done is 
probably the surest motivation killer [ especially in open source, 
where appreciation is the most important (or only) motivation factor ].

> ___________________________________________________________________
> P.S. Strangely enough, i see no reaction to the challenging idea of 
> harbour-xhb merging. Does the harbour community think it was a joke or this 
> deafening silence express their glacial indifference about the future of 
> Harbour?

It wasn't a joke.


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