----- Original Message ----- From: "Greg Woodhouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

--- James Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Standard VistA uses a lookup routine on file 2.  What do you
recommend as an
alternative to the lookup routines used by VistA, RPMS, and VOE to
the functionality those lookup routines provide?

It's difficult to give a single answer because it depends on the nature
of the constraint. If you want to write code that interacts with the
user in a particular way and then uses an unusual type of algorithm
when *selecting* a patient, that's fine. If you want to ensure that
certain conditions hold or that a particular action is taken when a
record is *added*, then the use of a special lookup is inappropriate.

I do not understand why.

What you should do instead depends on the nature of the constraint(s).
Alternatives (beyond the obvious choice of using MUMPS
cross-references) include keys and new style cross-references.

Will new style X-refs let you synchronize two files?

I can't
be more specific without further details about the nature of the
constraint(s). But the point is that a special lookup routine is a UI
component, and using it in the way you describe is analogous to using a
modal dialog in a GUI to impose a restriction on the database.

You have lost me here.  I do not know what a modal dialog in a GUI is.

might "work", but it certainly doesn't make it a good design choice.

Gregory Woodhouse  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"If you give someone Fortran, he has Fortran.
If you give someone Lisp, he has any language he pleases."
--Guy L. Steele, Jr.

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