From: Thane Sherrington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: The Hardware List <>
To: The Hardware List <>
Subject: Re: [H] Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. et al. v. Grokster,Ltd., et al.
Date: Wed, 06 Jul 2005 13:36:04 -0300

At 01:30 PM 06/07/2005, Hayes Elkins wrote:

No, it's not an injustice (unless you actually think the "justice system" actually pertains to real justice.) It's illegal under the current laws.

Downloading pirated software is, and always will be, theft.

Which makes it illegal, and possibly unjust, but injustice depends on the circumstances. Downloading a full version of a piece of software to test it out and then either buying or deleting isn't unjust. It just makes sense. It is, unfortunately, illegal.


That's what demo software is for. Fully working demo software is available for just about any kind of app today. These days, acquiring a pirated version is growing harder to legitimize with the try-before-buy defense.

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