Yes, this was an older Compaq where the customer
wanted to simply re-install Word 
Perfect which came with the system. Did not spend much
time looking into it other 
than seeing the disks were in a archive format that
noting would open for me.

Rick Glazier wrote:
> HP? Compaq must have changed what they do.
> I just got a low end Laptop.
> I can RE-install individual FACTORY PROVIDED
programs, with about
> 16 different ways to do things like that starting
with a big menu.
> I have not used their system, preferring to get rid
of their crapware 
> instead.
> (It is a low-end about two weeks old.)
>                                             Rick
> From: "j maccraw"
>> Dunno but if their like compaq recovery disks, your
>> only choice is full re-install and no just
reinstalling some app from 
>> the bundle. The
>> use some whack archiving system that hands you a
pack of CD's that 
>> can't be
>> used in any other way.

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