Yes. This one is interesting. I follow this thread.
But, you have many more m/b's to test with than I. Still this one is most odd.......... ? I do so wish I was a BIOS-maven but I am not. I suffer with it on each new tech m/b I buy. I would suspect that the cpu VR's on the m/b have taken a dive. The replacement cpu that you tried did not press them hard enough; so, they just worked OPSNORML once again. JMHO. You always do share good problems! Do you perhaps have ash fallout from the Iceland volcano ATM?
If so, all bets are off........... :)

On 05/21/2010 22:35, Thane Sherrington wrote:
At 11:02 AM 21/05/2010, Scoobydo wrote:
I assume you've looked for a borked BIOS setting? Doesn't make sense the
CPU is bad. I've never heard of one going bad so must assume something
else is happening..

I'm looking into the BIOS. Doesn't appear to be the power supply. I have
seen many CPUs go bad over the years, but I've never seen a CPU stop
working on one motherboard and then work in another. That's interesting.


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