Thanks for all the info, guys. At this point, I'm not sure how she is going to do her schoolwork, she might not either. She's been online schooled until this point. I don't know if she's ever been exposed to the massive hall lecture. Nor am I sure how they do it anymore. I've seen it where you get all the professor's notes and all you have to do it jot down a couple of extra tidbits. That's a far cry from when I did college, where you had to be able to write down one thing while listening to another.

Apparently next weekend is a 'tax-free' weekend in Florida, so she wants to buy then. I'm not sure when she is starting school, but if it's not this year, which is probably isn't, she'd do best to wait. Unless her savings is in gift cards. I'll bring up all this good info to her and try to get an idea of what she really needs. However, keep the debate going ;-)


On 7/26/2014 9:53 AM, Vincent Winterling wrote:
I have always liked Dell. That said yesterday I bought a refurbed Apple

A couple of years ago I bought my wife and granddaughter Toshiba L series
laptops. While mostly plastic at the time their recent offerings are here:

I spent about $600 / per laptop and both are running well presently.

Vincent Winterling
Vineland, NJ

-----Original Message-----
From: Hardware [] On Behalf
Of Steve Tomporowski
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2014 4:56 PM
Subject: [H] Laptop for College Student

My friend down in Florida is sending his daughter to college.  She's
saved up money in the range of $500 to $600 for a laptop.  I haven't
nailed down all her requirements, but she did mention she'd like one
with the detachable keyboard, then rattled off some standard stuff like
storing stuff to flash memory, printing and then camera/mic.

I know this is vague, but I don't do laptops, so I'm not sure what's out
there that is decent.  She mentioned that the ones she's seen either
don't meet her requirements or cost too much.  Yeah, I'll have to get
her to explain.

Any ideas?


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