Dear Colleague,

Where does identity come from? And what makes you connected to your home land?

The quest for identity in modern day Israel is beautifully addressed 
in this special documentary.

A universal problem in the world today, Video Librarian calls HOMECOMING:

"A provocative and moving study of ethnic identity". And indeed in a 
world where economic migration is rampant – this film is essential 
for your library collection.

As the review goes on to say: "the camera follows the three subjects 
on their journeys, and it becomes evident that despite the geographic 
differences, all three countries share the same burdens of grueling 
poverty, a virtually nonexistent infrastructure, and dead-end lives 
for those unable to emigrate".

We are sure that your library patrons will benefit from learning more 
about this

contemporary topic.

The purchase price for university libraries is $300 + shipping 
handling and for public libraries the price is $115 + shipping and handling.

To learn more about this film please go to our website at:


or contact us at:



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