On 2/9/08, J. Garrett Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It looks like:
> http://darcs.haskell.org/non-negative/
> might be what you're looking for, but I haven't tested it, so others
> may know better.

Thanks, I installed that.

I notice, though, that if I type "runhaskell Setup.lhs configure", I get:

Configuring Haskore-0.0.2...
Setup.lhs: At least the following dependencies are missing:
    event-list ==0.0.5,
    midi ==0.0.4,
    markov-chain ==0.0.1,
    non-negative ==0.0.1,
    shell-pipe -any,
    fps -any,
    hosc -any,
    hsc3 -any,
    supercollider-ht -any

which is certainly quite accurate, since I don't have those libraries.
But if I just do "make ghci" without doing the Cabal thing, I don't get
any warnings in advance.

Maybe this is the expected behavior since checking dependencies is the
whole point of Cabal... but maybe it should be documented better? In
any case, I'll go install those libraries.


Tim Chevalier * http://cs.pdx.edu/~tjc * Often in error, never in doubt
"Don't hate yourself in the morning -- sleep till noon." -- anonymous
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