On 07/10/2013 11:44 PM, Ertugrul Söylemez wrote:
A very simple way to do this is to use integralLim_ instead of
integral_.  It allows the ball itself to handle the bouncing.  A less
invasive way (i.e. you can add it to your example) is to use the (-->)

     ball = integral_ 0 . integral_ 40 . (-9.8)

     aboveGround = require (>= 0)

     bouncingBall = aboveGround . ball --> bouncingBall

While this gives you a bouncing ball, the ball will not follow real
physics.  Once the ball hits the ground, it will just start over with
its original velocity.  integralLim_ is the correct solution.

Thank you very much, this works as expected and is easy to understand.
However a complete example of a bouncing ball would be super awesome since I have trouble to get it work with integralLim_.

My first try was to use object_ from Control.Wire.Prefab.Move but got stuck very quickly.

I think this would be a good addition to the quickstart tutorial.

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