On Fri, 5 Oct 2007, Albert Y. C. Lai wrote:

Granted, perhaps your perspective is, if every other company is shouting "customers are number one", then ours must too, and who actually lives up to it is the non-sequitur here. You're in the buzzword war, not the evidence war. OK, then make sure you include executability, as the Python guys in their infinite wisdom have forgotten that one. You'll trump them on that point, ha!

me too

To exemplify, I now analyze the Python statement under my glass:

"dynamic object-oriented": Good, informative, I know those words and I am the one to decide its implications to me.

To be honest - I do not know exactly what is meant with 'dynamic' here. I know Python is dynamically typed - is this meant? Or 'dynamic' in the sense of 'can alter data at run-time', or 'can run programs' at all?
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