On 9 Apr 2008, at 11:26, Jules Bean wrote:
Using 'hugs -98', I noticed it accepts:
  instance Monad m => Functor m where
    fmap f x = x >>= return.f
Has this been considered (say) as a part of the upcoming Haskell Prime?

This forbids any Functors which are not monads. Unless you allow overlapping instances...

I see it as a Haskell limitation of not being able to indicate the function names in the class definition head:

If one could write say
  class Monoid (a; unit, mult) where
    unit :: a
    mult :: a -> a -> a
then it is possible to say
  instance Monoid ([]; [], (++)) where
    -- 'unit' already defined
    -- definition of (++)

  class Functor (m; fmap) where
    fmap :: (a -> b) -> (m a -> m b)

  instance Monad m => Functor (m, mmap) where
    mmap f x = x >>= return.f

- For backwards compatibility, if the function names are not indicated, one gets the declaration names as default.

I don't know if it is possible to extend the syntax this way, but it would be closer to math usage. And one would avoid duplicate definitions just to indicate different operator names, like:
  class AdditiveMonoid a where
    o :: a
    (+) :: a -> a -> a
as it could be create using
  class Monoid (a; o, (+))

...(which of course would not be h98 any more!).

It does not work in 'hugs +98' mode; if I avoid the Prelude names by:
  class Munctor m where
    mmap :: (a -> b) -> (m a -> m b)

  instance Monad m => Munctor m where
    mmap f x = x >>= return.f
I get
  ERROR - Syntax error in instance head (constructor expected)

Other solutions, such as class Functor m => Monad m are frequently discussed.

The point is that Monads have a code lifting property, so the functor is already conatained in the current definition.

One might want to have away to override, so even if
  instance Monad m => Functor (m, mmap)
functor specialization can take place if one has a more efficeint definition. For example
  instance Functor ([], mmap) where
    mmap = map


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