On 9 Apr 2008, at 16:26, Henning Thielemann wrote:
I think a classical example are number sequences which can be considered as rings in two ways:
 1. elementwise multiplication
 2. convolution

and you have some function which invokes the ring multiplication

f :: Ring a => a -> a

and a concrete sequence

x :: Sequence Integer

what multiplication (elementwise or convolution) shall be used for computing (f x) ?

For that problem to arise, one must have, when defining Sequence
  class Ring (a; o, e, add, mult)
class (Ring(a; o, e, add, (*)), Ring(a; o, e, add, (**)) => Sequence a

It is a good question, but can be avoided by not admitting such constructs. - I will think a bit more on it.


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