On 9 Apr 2008, at 17:49, Henning Thielemann wrote:
Also (2*5 == 7) would surprise people, if (*) is the symbol for a general group operation, and we want to use it for the additive group of integers.

One might resolve the "Num" binding of (+) problem by putting all operators into an implicit superclass:

Roughly, let T be the set of of most general types, and for each t in T define a mangling string s(t). Then if the operator
  <op> :: t
is defined somewhere, it is internally defined as
  class Operator_s(t)_<op> t where
    <op> :: t
Then usages of it get implicit
  class (Operator_s(t)_<op> t, ...) => <Class> where ...
  instance Operator_s(t)_<op> t where ...

If I now have another class using (+), it need not be derived from Num, as both usages are derivable from an internal
  class Operator_(+)

The mangling of the type via s(t) might be used to generate C++ style name overloading. It will then depend on how much ambiguity one wants to accept in the context.

I do not see exactly how this works with Haskell current syntax; just an input.


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