11.11.2010 16:53, Stephen Tetley пишет:
On 11 November 2010 13:10, Lauri Alanko<l...@iki.fi>  wrote:

{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}

data PetOwner
data FurnitureOwner

data Cat = Cat { catOwner :: PetOwner }
data Chair = Chair { chairOwner :: FurnitureOwner }

class Owned a b | a ->  b where
  owner :: a ->  b

instance Owned Cat PetOwner where
  owner = catOwner

instance Owned Chair FurnitureOwner where
  owner = chairOwner

This is fairly onerous for people who are programming to an outside
schema (i.e. a relational database) as it leads to boiler plate along
two axes - data type definitions plus class definitions for accessors.

I don't like the details current TDNR proposal, but if improved
records are never going to happen, TDNR has benefit for this

That's kinda the point, it can work the other way: ugly solution like TDNR can 
prevent improved records from ever appearing.

Incidentally there is now a member of the ML family with a
sophisticated record system - MLPolyR:
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