Timothy Robin BARBOUR writes:
> The last I read about Haggis was that it would be ported to ghc-2.xx
> and be involved in the ghc / hugs integration.

Modulo a couple of Makefile tweaks, Haggis is just about ready to be
added to the Glasgow fptools CVS repository, which is publically
accessible for people that want to have a look/contribute. This
version should compile with the latest&greatest version of GHC.

Re: "official" GUI system of the project that includes combining Hugs
and GHC together - this is still up in the air, we're looking at a
bunch of different ways of doing this. Related to Haggis, one option
is to use the basic Haggis programming model (i.e., Concurrent Haskell
+ virtual I/O devices) and layer it on top of a Tk binding (on top of
TkHaskell, probably) or some other set of widgets/controls. Adopting
Haggis in its full glory(?) won't happen, it would just be too much
work to get something slick, maintainable and portable across
platforms by doing it all ourselves in Haskell. 

Another option is not to write the GUI in Haskell at all, but use VB,
JS or Java instead, plugging in your Haskell code by wrapping it up as
a CORBA or COM object. This approach has its merits if you'd like to
convince non-Haskell programmers to use Haskell as part of their


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