I shamelessly copy from the abstract of [1]:

We contend that design patterns can be an effective means of
consolidating and communicating program construction expertise for
functional programming just as they have proven to be in
object-oriented programming.  One might suppose that the powerful
abstraction mechanisms of functional programming obviate the need for
design patterns, since many pieces of program construction knowledge
can be captured by reusable functions. This confusion of design
patterns with reusable components misses the point: patterns start
where components end, in the sense that the former describe how the
latter can be constructed and used. Thus, additional abstraction
\emph{creates} the need for new design patterns.

[1] Design Patterns for Functional Strategic Programming


P.S.: Should we move to haskell-cafe@... ?

Ralf Laemmel
VU & CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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