On 2012.5.14 2:06 AM, demerphq wrote:
> On 14 May 2012 02:17, Michael G Schwern <schw...@pobox.com> wrote:
>> So much hate for tying the iterator to the data and not the op.
> Indeed. I see this bite people regularly at $work (non Perl
> programmers converting seem to get bitten by each() at least once in
> their career).
> In the case of hashes I think tying it to the op would also be bad.
> I kinda wish perl had an interface like
> my $iter= iterator(%hash);
> while (my ($key,$value)= $iter->each) {
> }

perl5i has that.  Through the magic of autoboxing you don't even need the

    use perl5i::2;

    my %things = ( foo => 23, bar => 42 );
    %things->each( func($k, $v) {
        say "Key: $k, Value: $v"

Look at me talking when there's science to do.
When I look out there it makes me glad I'm not you.
I've experiments to be run.
There is research to be done
On the people who are still alive.
    -- Jonathan Coulton, "Still Alive"

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