I just forwarded something that should answer this.  Apparently I’ve been giving some mis-information: FSL’s label2surf program doesn’t work with GIFTI, so one needs to use surf2surf .func.gii metric ROIs like this:

surf2surf -i ${Subject}.${Hemisphere}.white.surf.gii -o <output probtrackx format ROI surface> --values=${Subject}.${Hemisphere}.roi.func.gii



From: Longchuan Li <leonad...@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: Longchuan Li <leonad...@yahoo.com>
Date: Monday, July 14, 2014 at 3:02 PM
To: "hcp-users@humanconnectome.org" <hcp-users@humanconnectome.org>
Subject: [HCP-Users] (no subject)

Hi, HCP experts

I have a question regarding transferring HCP border ROI file for surface-based tractography in FSL. What I did were (1) draw a border roi; (2) transfer the border ROI to a metric file; (3) transfer the metric file to a label file; (4) transfer the label file to a surface file for tractography. I used the following steps:


echo "Step1: change borders to metric files..."
 /usr/local/workbench/bin_rh_linux64/wb_command -border-to-rois ${targ_w_surface} ${datapath}/${1}/T1w/ROIs/${border}.border ${datapath}/${1}/T1w/ROIs/${border}.func.nii

 echo "Step2: change metric to label files..."

 /usr/local/workbench/bin_rh_linux64/wb_command -metric-label-import ${datapath}/${1}/T1w/ROIs/${border}.func.nii '' ${datapath}/${1}/T1w/ROIs/${border}.label.gii

 echo "Step3: change label to surface files..."

 echo "${datapath}/${1}/T1w/ROIs/${border}.label.gii" > ${datapath}/${1}/T1w/ROIs/labellist.txt

 label2surf -s ${targ_w_surface} -o ${datapath}/${1}/T1w/ROIs/${border}.label.asc -l ${datapath}/${1}/T1w/ROIs/labellist.txt


When I checked the generated surface ROI using the command "surf2volume" in FSL by transforming it to a volume file, I find that my ROI turned to the *whole* white matter surface, instead of only occupying the ROI. I have successfully transformed label files generated via FreeSurfer to a surface file using the command 'label2surf' and checked the results using the command "surf2volume". They look reasonable (i.e., the results only occupy the ROI). 

I also checked the metric, label files in WB and they all look reasonable (i.e., having value of 'Label_1' and '1' in the label and metric files).

So, I wonder whether other users had similar issues and would appreciate any information to fix the problem.

Many thanks!



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