I think I would probably resample the subject’s own FS_LR registered surfaces 
into the FreeSurfer space (an exact transformation) and then do a single 
mapping from volume to surface.  You would need to figure out the affine matrix 
that describes this transform.



 on behalf of Seán Froudist Walsh <froud...@tcd.ie<mailto:froud...@tcd.ie>>
Date: Wednesday, January 3, 2018 at 10:29 AM
To: "hcp-users@humanconnectome.org<mailto:hcp-users@humanconnectome.org>" 
Subject: [HCP-Users] volume to average surface with Nearest Neighbour 

Dear HCP experts,

I am interested in mapping individual voxels in a subject's FreeSurfer 
conformed space (orig.nii) onto the HCP template (fsaverage_LR) while 
maintaining the original voxel values.

All of the voxels lie within the LH cortical ribbon in the (conformed) volume 
space. There are 186 voxels with non-zero values that act as unique 
identifiers, with all other voxels having a value of zero.

I have prepared the native FreeSurfer to HCP transformations, then performed 
volume-to-surface mapping of the sample data, and finally applied the 
FreeSurfer-to-HCP transform to the sample data. I have tried to identify the 
options that perform something like Nearest Neighbour assignment, as I need to 
maintain the original values as identifiers. The problem I am facing is that 
volume-to-surface mapping as done below reduces the number of non-zero 
voxels/vertices from 186 to 94, and the Freesufer-to-HCP resampling reduces the 
number of non-zero vertices further from 94 to 13 non-zero points.

I would greatly appreciate your guidance as to the best way to achieve my 
desired goal of obtaining all 186 vertices with their original values onto the 
HCP template. Should I map each voxel to the closest voxel on the FreeSurfer WM 
surface, or something similar?

The commands I used are shown below.

Many thanks,


wb_shortcuts -freesurfer-resample-prep lh.white.surf.gii lh.pial.surf.gii 
 lh.midthickness.surf.gii ${current_subject}.l.midthickness.32k_fs_LR.surf.gii 

and then created a volume-to-surface mapping, while maintaining the original 
voxel/vertex values using

wb_command -volume-to-surface-mapping ' 
{current_subject}_samples_LH_cortex.nii.gz lh.midthickness.surf.gii   
samples_native.shape.gii -enclosing

and then applied the transform using

wb_command -metric-resample samples_native.shape.gii lh.sphere.HCP.reg.surf.gii 
  BARYCENTRIC -largest {current_subject}_samples_HCP.shape.gii

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