Since Tim wrote that code, I’ll let him answer the specifics.  Basically 
surface registration establishes correspondences through a common mesh, though 
the locations of the mesh vertices can be all kinds of things (any individual 
surface, white or pial surfaces, inflated surfaces, spheres, flat surfaces, 
etc) and still display the same data (with a given mesh topology).  This is 
different form a volume registration that is changing the shape of the brain 
during registration.



From: Seán Froudist Walsh <<>>
Date: Monday, January 15, 2018 at 12:49 PM
To: Timothy Coalson <<>>
Cc: Matt Glasser <<>>, 
Subject: Re: [HCP-Users] volume to average surface with Nearest Neighbour 

or, more accurately, I would like to ask if my understanding of the surface 
registration, conversions and wb_command steps is correct.



On 15 January 2018 at 13:43, Seán Froudist Walsh 
<<>> wrote:
Dear Matt and Tim,

Thanks for your help.

I moved the midthickness-new-out surface from the wb_shortcuts 
-freesurfer-resample-prep command back into the FreeSurfer volume space, by 
converting from RAS to voxel coordinates. This surface seemed to line up 
perfectly with the orig.nii anatomical in conformed FreeSurfer space. When I 
overlay the group average (s1200) myelin map on the midthickness-new-out 
surface it looks like it lines up great with the gyri/sulci.

>From this I understand that the surface mesh is overlaid in such a way as to 
>impose anatomical correspondence between the native and HCP average brains, 
>but the midthickness-new-out surface is still aligned with the native 
>(conformed) brain. Is this correct?

I managed to get the Nearest-Neighbour-like mapping I wanted done in Matlab. 
When I display this on the group average surfaces, it also looks pretty good. I 
just want to check that the workbench steps I have taken are correct.

Best wishes,


On 3 January 2018 at 17:19, Timothy Coalson 
<<>> wrote:
The fs_LR 32k spheres use a resolution (vertex spacing) that is suitable for 
2mm fMRI data, but it sounds like you are using structural-resolution voxels.  
As Matt says, I would put the fs_LR surface into your volume space, and do only 
a single mapping, because nearest neighbor or enclosing voxel mapping is 
extremely lossy - additionally, I would use the 164k spheres instead.

Other forms of resampling, meant for continuous data, are not as lossy because 
they can approximate the underlying function, but "voxel identity" is not a 
continuous function.  I don't know exactly what you are doing, but I would 
suggest mapping the data that *is* continuous onto fs_LR registered surfaces, 
and then re-posing your "element identity" as vertex indices, rather than T1w 
voxels.  If this doesn't let you do what you want, then maybe you can do 
per-subject independent volume analysis, and then map the results of that onto 
the individual's surface before combining across subjects?

If you want to explain your bigger-picture goal, we might have other useful 


On Wed, Jan 3, 2018 at 11:58 AM, Glasser, Matthew 
<<>> wrote:
I think I would probably resample the subject’s own FS_LR registered surfaces 
into the FreeSurfer space (an exact transformation) and then do a single 
mapping from volume to surface.  You would need to figure out the affine matrix 
that describes this transform.



 on behalf of Seán Froudist Walsh <<>>
Date: Wednesday, January 3, 2018 at 10:29 AM
To: "<>" 
Subject: [HCP-Users] volume to average surface with Nearest Neighbour 

Dear HCP experts,

I am interested in mapping individual voxels in a subject's FreeSurfer 
conformed space (orig.nii) onto the HCP template (fsaverage_LR) while 
maintaining the original voxel values.

All of the voxels lie within the LH cortical ribbon in the (conformed) volume 
space. There are 186 voxels with non-zero values that act as unique 
identifiers, with all other voxels having a value of zero.

I have prepared the native FreeSurfer to HCP transformations, then performed 
volume-to-surface mapping of the sample data, and finally applied the 
FreeSurfer-to-HCP transform to the sample data. I have tried to identify the 
options that perform something like Nearest Neighbour assignment, as I need to 
maintain the original values as identifiers. The problem I am facing is that 
volume-to-surface mapping as done below reduces the number of non-zero 
voxels/vertices from 186 to 94, and the Freesufer-to-HCP resampling reduces the 
number of non-zero vertices further from 94 to 13 non-zero points.

I would greatly appreciate your guidance as to the best way to achieve my 
desired goal of obtaining all 186 vertices with their original values onto the 
HCP template. Should I map each voxel to the closest voxel on the FreeSurfer WM 
surface, or something similar?

The commands I used are shown below.

Many thanks,


wb_shortcuts -freesurfer-resample-prep 
HCP_S1200_GroupAvg_v1/standard_mesh_atlases/resample_fsaverage/ ${current_subject}

and then created a volume-to-surface mapping, while maintaining the original 
voxel/vertex values using

wb_command -volume-to-surface-mapping ' 
samples_native.shape.gii -enclosing

and then applied the transform using

wb_command -metric-resample samples_native.shape.gii 
  BARYCENTRIC -largest {current_subject}_samples_HCP.shape.gii

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