On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 7:13 AM, Claude Bajada <c.baj...@fz-juelich.de>
> 2) from what I understand, structural qualities such as cortical
> thickness etc are measured in the individual's real space. However then,
> what I do not understand is the file structure of the HCP data. The
> structural measures such as cortical thickness, curvature and myelin
> maps etc live in the MNINonLinear/fsaverage_LR32k rather than in the
> 'native space' directory. Can anyone shed light on this?
> It was perhaps not the best choice to put these measures inside the
MNINonLinear folder, but for compatibility, that is where they will remain
for now.  They were computed in "T1w" space ("native volume space", not to
be confused with "native mesh", which is an unrelated distinction).

However, the myelin measure is based on a combination of imaging contrasts,
and is not sensitive to changes in brain size, so it doesn't quite fit in
the same class as curvature and thickness, which are measures of the
cortical coordinates themselves.


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