Hi Edgar , Andrew !

On Thu, 1 Mar 2018 08:23:15 +0100
"Edgar Hagenbichler" <edgar.hagenbich...@hagenbichler.at> wrote:

> Hello Andrew,
> hello all developers,
> thank you very much for the link, Andrew!
> I tried at ghat.hagenbichler.at (Login: Admin, pw gnusolidario)
> to export at Products the first entry "semen analysis" and got
> the "standard" output:
> tryton_ovflwx.csv
> Name,List Price,Cost Price,Type,Purchasable,Active
> Semen Analysis Charges,1.0,0.0,service,,True
> Then I changed it as there would be a new price list and
> defined the same fields for import:
> Name,List Price,Cost Price,Type,Purchasable,Active
> Semen Analysis Charges,1.5,0.3,service,,True
> Now I tried to import it and got the following error:
> Error: <class 'decimal.ConversionSyntax'>
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/trytond/wsgi.py", line 47, in dispatch_request
>     return endpoint(request, **request.view_args)
>   File "/trytond/protocols/dispatcher.py", line 41, in rpc
>     request, database_name, *request.rpc_params)
>   File "/trytond/wsgi.py", line 39, in auth_required
>     return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
>   File "/trytond/protocols/wrappers.py", line 106, in wrapper
>     return func(request, pool, *args, **kwargs)
>   File "/trytond/protocols/dispatcher.py", line 163, in _dispatch
>     result = rpc.result(meth(*c_args, **c_kwargs))
>   File "/trytond/model/modelstorage.py", line 771, in import_data
>     process_lines(data, [], fields_def)
>   File "/trytond/model/modelstorage.py", line 705, in process_lines
>     res = Decimal(value) if value else None
> decimal.InvalidOperation: [<class 'decimal.ConversionSyntax'>]
> Any ideas what is wrong?
It might be related, but I had some issues when migrating to 4.6.


Try 1.0 to 1 and 0.0 to 0, and let me know.

Also, make sure the var is not being assigned a non-numeric value.


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