Alden and Cali use them on HGs without problems (I believe)

There seem to be 2 types
"Pegheds" are installed in a plain tapered hole and glued in
"Perfection Pegs" are also put in a tapered hole but have a self-tapping
threaded bit
They both seem to be designed for 2 point support as in a violin

An H-G peg is only supported at one end ?

Both ? invented by cellist and luthier John Charles Herin

Peghed info here
Perfection Peg info here

Prices look like $80 - $120 for a set of 4

i.e ?10 to ?15 each

The come in different sizes, violin, viola, cello etc


 -----Original Message-----
Of Arle Lommel
Sent: 05 December 2007 19:30
Subject: Re: [HG] Perfection Pegs

Just called a local violin repair shop (the guy knows HGs since this
is Bloomington, Indiana we're talking about, where there are a
surprising number of players) and he observed that he didn't think
they would work in most HGs because the peg box construction is so
different from a violin and the part that turns and holds the string
on the Pegheads and Perfection Pegs (two variations on the same thing)
would be in the wrong place for a peg that isn't supported in two
places by the peg box.


On Dec 5, 2007, at 12:22 PM, Melissa Kacalanos wrote:

> Has anyone tried Perfection Pegs, also known as
> Perfection Planetary Pegs, on a hg? They look like
> traditional violin or cello pegs, but they have tiny
> gears inside so they function like modern tuners. I
> figure they could be useful for people who want their
> instruments to look traditional, but want modern
> convenience. On message boards, violin players seem to
> like them, since they can be installed without
> changing anything about the violin.
> The website, unfortunately, is full of video sales
> fluff, negating any time-savings you'd get from your
> new easier tuning. Try the PDF files.
> They're also on ebay.
> Melissa
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> Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

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