Assalamualaikum ...

basicly saya agak PELIK macam mana sorang budak perempuan yg baru akil baligh boleh bercakap tentang isu2 sejagat spt :

"to live my own life with any intefierence from the authorities.I hate the system here. It is so anti-freedom, anti-equality, and anti-prosperity.Everyone is forced to become a Muslim." 

(dr statement sebegini rupa, budak ini kita kira bulehlah dia duduk sama tinggi dan berdiri sama rendah dgn Presiden GAMIS ... I thought budak2 perempuan yg sebaya ini cuma dok sibuk bercakap pasal BackStreetBoys, N'Sync, X-Factor, Shah Rukh Khan, Oil Of Ulan, Celcom Prepaid etc ... anak kpd peguam sekalipun [yg berusia 16 tahun] takkan sekali2 menyibuk pasal pihak berkuasa, anti itu anti ini, sistem pemerintahan mana2 kerajaan ... kalau ayah dia bercerita pasal2 isu2 ini sekalipun kat dia nescaya anak berkenaan akan tak lalu makan sebab kena migrain ... sebab 16 years old teenagers hanya berminat dgn perubahan2 rapid yg berlaku keatas dirinya dan jugak terhadap perkara2 yg berkaitan dgn boyfriend/girldfriend yg kiut miut, artis itu artis ini, disko-makko-pakko, latest fesyen etc ... bercakap soal sejagat dgn depa nih, nescaya akan terganggulah keseluruhan sistem sarafnya ...)

"The Muslims live in constant fear of  the religious organizations. They are proposing that those who change their religion be imprisoned or executed.We cannot change our religion. We cannot change our Malay name! We are forced to have the religion our parents give us!"

(and know she speak on behalf of the whole muslims in this country ...)

"What a bad law!"

(a 16 years old schoolgirl speak about a 'BAD domestic law' ??? did she know where she kept her tooth brush this morning??? kita yg dah tumbuh uban nie pun still dok pening2 lalat memikirkan keputusan si Ipin Jaka Sembung baru2 nih ...)

"The government here is scared of the extremist and fanatical religious organization."

(saya fikir budak ini adalah peminat setia siri tv 'Futurama' [TV3, Isnin jam 10.30mlm] ... saya pun minat jugak dgn kartun nih ... jarang miss ...)

"Now I want to change my religion. I want to be a free thinker. I don't want to be a Muslim anymore. I want to quit Islam.I hope somebody can give the advice. How can I change my Malay name and my Islam religion. I am 16 years old."

(saya berpendapat bahawa budak ini agak 'religious' ... beliau bercakap agak banyak tentang Islam ... then how come she want to be a free thinker ??? ... tukar agama mungkin, tapi bukan menolak konsep ketuhanan SEPENUHNYA ...) 

saya dah dapat email ini [yg diforwardkan oleh seorang rakan] dah agak lama jugak [dlm sebulan dua yg sudah] ... tapi malas nak komen sebab pada pengamatan saya ini bukanlah hasil tangan satu budak perempuan yg berusia 16 tahun ... isu nya terlalu tinggi utk umur sebegini mentah ... spt mana isu surat berantai yg dah menggangu umat Islam sejak tahun 70an ... dimana akhirnya kita dapat tau bahawa surat berkenaan ditulis oleh paderi2 kat US dgn tujuan utk mengelirukan umat Islam ...


-farook harun-

"r.o.h.a.z.a" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Just it from truly Muslim Girl or
someone else want to give others bad impression about
--- aziz awang<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Assalammualaikum wr wb,
> Sila bantu adik kita ni..... paling minima kita
> berdoa.....
> Salam
> ************************************
> Relationships
> Subject
> Posted by
> fatimahmusa
> Posted on
> 15/5/00 16:54
> Please... somebody help me. I just ! want to live my
> own life with any
> inteference from the authorities.
> Iam a Malay girl who lives in Malaysia. I was born a
> Muslim. I hate the
> system here. I cannot eat what I like. I cannot do
> what I like. I cannot go where I like. I cannot be
> what I want to be. I
> cannot be with whoever I like. It is so
> anti-freedom,
> anti-equality, and anti-prosperity.
> Everyone is forced to become a Muslim. The Muslims
> live in constant fear of
> the religious organizations. They are
> proposing that those who change their religion be
> imprisoned or executed. We
> cannot change our religion. We cannot
> change our Malay name! We are forced to have the
> religion our parents give
> us! What a bad law!
> The government here is scared of the extremist and
> fanatical religious
> organization. Now I want to chang! e my religion.
> I want to be a free thinker. I don't want to be a
> Muslim anymore. I want to
> quit Islam.
> I hope somebody can give the advice. How can I
> change my Malay name and my
> Islam religion. I am 16 years old.
> Please reply by posting or by e-mail to me.
> fatimah musa

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