> How are entindices ordered on the client? I know entindex 0 is worldspawn,
> then comes 1-32 for players, but what comes after that? Are the rest of
> ents grouped by classname, by position, by order in the BSP, or some other
> way I haven't come up with yet?
> I'm currently parsing the BSP myself on the client so I can pull keyvalues
> straight from the map without a message. I'm looping through all the
> entities in the ent lump and storing off the index of each if it's an
> I want to look at, but GetEntityByIndex() called with that index isn't
> returning the correct entity so I can poll its origin and angles. Anyone
> have any tips on why this doesn't appear to be working correctly?

Leon or someone else from Valve can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe
that the entities are stored in-game using a linked list that the engine
keeps internally.  When you look through the entities (using
UTIL_FindEntityInSphere, etc.), the engine interates through this linked

When an entity gets removed (UTIL_Remove), the engine simply unlinks that
entity from the linked list and frees the memory associated with that

My quess is that the entities are originally spawned in the same order that
they appear in the BSP file, but since some entities spawn other entities
when they are created, the index in the BSP file would not match the index
of the entities that were created in-game (especially the ones toward the
end of the list), of course as the game progresses, old entities are removed
and new entities are created, grabbing whatever index is free in the
existing list.

I don't think you have a hope of matching up indexes in the BSP file with
anything that exists while the game is running.

Jeffrey "botman" Broome

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