How are entindices ordered on the client? I know entindex 0 is worldspawn,
then comes 1-32 for players, but what comes after that? Are the rest of the
ents grouped by classname, by position, by order in the BSP, or some other
way I haven't come up with yet?

I'm currently parsing the BSP myself on the client so I can pull keyvalues
straight from the map without a message. I'm looping through all the
entities in the ent lump and storing off the index of each if it's an entity
I want to look at, but GetEntityByIndex() called with that index isn't
returning the correct entity so I can poll its origin and angles. Anyone
have any tips on why this doesn't appear to be working correctly?

-James "Corvidae" Williams ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Administrator, Wavelength Forums (
Co-Leader / Coder, Underhive (

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