Hi ho, I am having problems getting a func_breakable ceated in game to collide. I
want to break it of course :} The model is visible, just can't figure out why it
is not colliding.

Every thing with // Test has been added as a test and has been enable or diabled
in every combination I could thnk of.

LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS(func_bomb_target, CSwarmCSDE);

// CSDE_MODEL "models/csdebomb.mdl"
// #define CSDE_MODEL "models/crystal.mdl"
#define CSDE_MODEL "models/player/agrunt/agrunt.mdl" // This should work as it
works for a player

extern Vector VecBModelOrigin( entvars_t* pevBModel );

void CSwarmCSDE::Spawn()

 SET_MODEL( ENT(pev), STRING(pev->model) );    // Need to do this to use

 // Create a func_breakable to blow up.
 CBreakable *breakable = GetClassPtr((CBreakable *)NULL);

 breakable->pev->model  = MAKE_STRING(CSDE_MODEL); // Used in SET_MODEL in
 breakable->pev->health  = 500;
 breakable->pev->target  = MAKE_STRING("csdemission");
 breakable->pev->spawnflags = 0;    // Test
 breakable->pev->effects  = 0;    // Test
 breakable->scenarioID  = 0;

// UTIL_SetSize(breakable->pev,Vector(-20,-20,-20),Vector(20,20,20));
 UTIL_SetSize(breakable->pev, VEC_HUMAN_HULL_MIN, VEC_HUMAN_HULL_MAX);    // Test

 Vector origint = VecBModelOrigin(pev); // Get origin of model
 UTIL_SetOrigin(breakable->pev, origint);

// breakable->pev->solid  = SOLID_BBOX;  // Test
//  breakable->pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; // Test
//  UTIL_SetOrigin(breakable->pev, origint);    // Test

 DROP_TO_FLOOR(ENT(breakable->pev));     // Drop to ground.

// Create a swarm mission entity to award points etc
... <snip>


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