
This morning, I went to the library to buy a book about C++. The one I had
before was to superficial. But, it isn't the subject of this message :D

I saw much more books about C# than about C++ ! I was amazed ! I thought
this Micro$oft new langage was just a try ! I have a few questions about
this langage :

    - will it remplace the C++ ? And have I to learn the *depth* of C#
rather than C++ (because C++ will be out of date soon ?) ?

    - is it more powerful than C++ ? I think it's a oriented object langage,
but I wonder if it's really more powerful than C++ for applications which
doesn't use Windows's interface (like DLL, HL SDK, etc...)

    - Can it be used with HL SDK ?

    I hope you'll understand what I mean and you have the answers to this

      - Cortex : mapper & coder www.hlalbator.fr.st

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