I setup a firemode single fire / burst / fully auto.
If it is single shot or burst they push the fire button then have to repush
the button to fire again. This works great.

The problem I am running into is with the 3rd burst. I set
FireBulletsInfo_t info(3, vecSrc, vecAiming, vec3_origin, MAX_TRACE_LENGTH,
m_iPrimaryAmmoType );
for the burst but this is not correct as it shoots 3 bullets at once (more
like a shotgun )
It should fire 3 bullets 1 after another..

The other problems I am running into is with DoMuzzleFlash()  and the the
Now the activities animations I would imagine can be animated for the 3rd
But I am not quite sure how to get the the muzzle to flash 3 times in a row
and to fire 1 bullet 3 times in a row.
I tried a for loop in the primaryattack() function but it freezes the game.
I included in the loop pPlayer->DoMuzzleFlash(); and
pPlayer->FireBullets(info); which is 1 bullet at a time but 3 times in the

I have m_flNextPrimaryAttack = gpGlobals->frametime; for 3rd burst because as quick as they can shoot it should fire 3 rounds. If anyone has any input please share. I walked threw the loop and everything looks ok so not quite sure why it freezes the game.

r00t 3:16 CQC Gaming www.cqc-gaming.com

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