The HL2 filesystem is case insenstive where possible (most everywhere).
In particular, it will always find the lower case version of a file name
if it is on disk (i.e under linux make all your mods files lower case
and you will be fine).

- Alfred

John Sheu wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-03-06 at 02:02 -0500, Justin Krenz wrote:
>> I finally managed to get my mod to compile in Linux.  However, some
>> of the maps cause a segfault.  I guess I'll have to figure out how
>> to use the gcc debugger for that.  However, the one map that does
>> work does not have any collisions between the player and models
>> spawned in the level.  When compiling, I ran into problems with
>> case-sensitive names and files.  Could this also be the issue with
>> the lack of collisions?  If a server tries to load a file that has a
>> different case than what is specified, would the server just ignore
>> it and continue on?  Is srcds internally case-sensitive when running
>> on Linux?
> In Linux, file names are case-sensitive.
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