And I did some more testing, put in two message functions, both in the spawn
function but on client and server:

Msg("CLIENT - VM: %s WM: %s DN: %s B1: %i B2: %i \n", m_szViewModel,
m_szWorldModel, m_szDisplayName, m_iBucket1, m_iBucket2);
Msg("SERVER - VM: %s WM: %s DN: %s B1: %i B2: %i \n", m_szViewModel.Get(),
m_szWorldModel.Get(), m_szDisplayName.Get(), m_iBucket1.Get(),

Unfortunately, it's STILL not transmitting to the client -

SERVER - VM: models/weapons/v_crowbar.mdl WM: models/weapons/w_irifle.mdl
DN: Rage test B1: 1 B2: 2

CLIENT - VM:  WM:  DN:  B1: 0 B2: 0
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