Whats weirder is that I unsubscribed from this list years ago, whats going

On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 12:01 PM, jetscope <jetsc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> (apologies if this is a duplicate, I got a delivery error on the first one)
> Hi folks, this is a very strange issue. I recently implemented this effect
> into my mod: http://i56.tinypic.com/2cqo45k.jpg
> I'm doing it by overriding the player's texture with a solid white one and
> then changing their rendercolor (which is defined by a brush trigger).
> So far so good, but there's one very strange problem: whenever I pull out
> the SMG, the player's color turns to white - and switching to another weapon
> fixes it and reverts to the actual rendercolor. I have no code in this
> effect related to weapons so far, and here's something even stranger - when
> I open up the SMG's script file and replace its models with different ones
> (e.g. the AR2's models), the problem goes away. Furthermore, if I only
> replace the SMG's worldmodel and leave it using its default viewmodel, the
> player keeps flickering between white and the real rendercolor with the SMG
> out.
> What's going on here?
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