I've created a plugin and it's loading fine in Half-Life 2 Deathmatch - now
I'm looking to use methods on a CBaseEntity from a bot edict_t *
I've used https://wiki.alliedmods.net/Virtual_Offsets_(Source_Mods) as a
guide but in my equivalent of void *func = vtable[m_Off_GetDataDescMap]; I
get an access violation. I can see in the debugger that the vtable variable
is an address in server.dll and I used https://asherkin.github.io/vtable/ to
get the offset into the vtable.
I'm running the game with the following command line parameters: -window
-dev -insecure -allowdebug

Am I doing something wrong? I used roughly the same code in Zeno Clash and
it worked fine (though not using bots).
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