Btw. Forgive me.

I didnt quite answer your question.

WORKSHOP for Counter-Strike 2 is what you are looking for.

Currently they only want custom maps / environments, and weapon skins.
Not really interested in customized models anymore.
And dont really want you dropping nothing server side anymore.

Since CSGO, and its sequel CSGO2 ( Fraudulently named CS2 ).
Amateurs started getting hired at VALVe.
And they have kindve locked things down, while forcing a general Steam
based repository for custom maps / skins.
While not allowing full customization like you used to see in CS / CSS ( HL
& HL2 Mods ).

You can only use THEIR approved community skins, and maps.

If you know anything of socialism, or communism.
You know what happened at VALVe.

While you can create models for your MAPS / ENVIRONMENTS, there is no way
to add them to your server stand alone.
Unless you have them embedded in the map / environment ( Which is what they
designed the system to do nowadays. ).

You can tell how far VALVe has sunk as a Game Development Studio.
Just by the way they locked things down so you cant MOD anymore.
Without using their centralized platform to develop anything.
So they can of course, use you as free labor, and exploit your work for
their own profit.

That said. Best of luck with it.
They [VALVe] has gone downhill, and is on their last years as a Development
With nothing anywhere near the level of Steam / HL2 - Source / Havok Engine
being developed.

Good to see you still around though c0ld. Been a while.


On Mon, Feb 12, 2024 at 1:35 AM StealthMode Hu <>

> Hey c0ld.
> Long time no see.
> Valve kindve locked things down.
> Not the same Programmers there anymore.
> Far as MODS, they will still allow for MODDING using the pseudo SDK (
> Workshop ).
> However, far as Server Admin SourceMod/AdminMod stuff.
> They appear to not want any custom modifications of THEIR products like
> that any further.
> Keep in mind, Alfred is gone.
> Most of the newer programmers there, are mobile game devs. Asian.
> Dont really have good communication skills. While having really bad psych
> disorders, like Egotism/ Narcissism.
> Lost complete touch with their Game Communities.
> And to be 110% honest.
> VALVe is not the Professional Development Studio that it was around
> Steam/HL2.
> With Amateurs mostly working there these days.
> And Eric Smith being their Lead Programmer. Who is no Alfred Reynolds. (
> No offense Eric )
> If you rip the newer stuff apart in a decompiler. You will see just how
> sloppy they got since Steam/CSS/HL2.
> Currently, I wish you the best.
> I abandoned VALVe content. For modding.
> That new Source 2 engine is all jacked up. Bad scripting, hack and slash
> developed engine, removed functions / cmds.
> Added a lot of LUAJIT last second scripting. While having two separate
> rendering engines running simultaneously.
> Server side....
> Netcode is all jacked up.
> With so much data sent / rcvd in pkts its all lagging the game out for a
> lot of people.
> Between CPU cycles, GPU rendering calculations, and bloated netcode.
> I wish you the best. Almost no one uses these lists anymore.
> -StealthMode
> On Sun, Feb 11, 2024 at 7:17 AM Jay C. <> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I'm a little out of touch. I'm c0ldfyr3, original author of CS:S
>> ZombieMod. I've just gotten back into modding and noticed it seems to not
>> be an avenue we can take as a MetaMod plugin? Is that true? Do you simply
>> not want us to do that anymore?
>> Thanks,
>> Jay/c0ld
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