> Why do you deserve to know anything about VALVe's business?

Because we've volunteered hundreds of man hours and thousands of dollars to
supporting their product.  Because it's not unreasonable to have *some* sort of

> Maybe they don't want to respond cause they know PB doesn't work, and they
> don't want a mass flame war going on in this list or on other forums for
> stating this publicly ...

Then all they have to say is that they've looked at it and decided that PB isn't
the best solution right now, or whatever it is they're thinking.  I'm not going
to *argue* about what they say, I just want to hear what the deal is.  The
amount of money and time spent on serving this game for them is just staggering,
and I'm glad I'm not stuck with most of y'all's colo bills and hardware bills...

> Maybe PB is not supporting HL anymore because PB doesn't know how to make
> HL cheat free?  Maybe other online games are easier to protect ...

That's definitely possible.  I would like to know :\

> Maybe VALVe puts no credence into PB claims, and knows that it's not worth
> the money, but don't want to harm PB's chances with other companies?

If that's the case, I'd be surprised that the gaming software industry is so
cut-throat that someone would knowingly sabotage another's game that way...
Could happen, of course :)

> It's a shame, PB is NOT an obstacle for any cheaters ...

Heh, since most of these hacks will *not* run in Win2k, I've been unable to test
them for a while...  This is very possible, and I have to rely on the
information from folks like you and the other members of this list, for
instance, for the only half-way reliable reports on what's caught and what's
not.  Heh, and then you get conflicting responses, and you're like, "Well?
Which is it?  Caught or not?"  Heh, ahhhhh, the life of a non-cheating admin ;)

Eric (the Deacon remix)

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