At 11:18 AM 09/25/2001 -0500, you wrote:
> > Why do you deserve to know anything about VALVe's business?
>Because we've volunteered hundreds of man hours and thousands of dollars to
>supporting their product.  Because it's not unreasonable to have *some*
>sort of
>response. The amount of money and time spent on serving this game for them
>is just staggering,
>and I'm glad I'm not stuck with most of y'all's colo bills and hardware

snipped a lot, but my stance is this ... VALVe didn't ask you to do it, you
did it on your own ...  It's like cutting a stranger's lawn and expecting a
Hamilton for it ...

> > It's a shame, PB is NOT an obstacle for any cheaters ...
>Heh, since most of these hacks will *not* run in Win2k, I've been unable
>to test
>them for a while...  This is very possible, and I have to rely on the
>information from folks like you and the other members of this list, for
>instance, for the only half-way reliable reports on what's caught and what's
>not.  Heh, and then you get conflicting responses, and you're like, "Well?
>Which is it?  Caught or not?"  Heh, ahhhhh, the life of a non-cheating
>admin ;)
>Eric (the Deacon remix)

Hack works perfectly fine on W2K ... I wouldn't run anything else ...

I finally got fed up after months of being hit from across the map and when
the link presented itself, I decided to test my anti-cheat armor ... I
found out that there is no armor and it's been going on forever ... It was
never even hindered by PB ...  I would have shared this information even if
PB didn't decide to bail on HL ....

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