pretty much, from what valve has said over and over in hte past, the only
thing that heapsize does is allocate ram for certain parts of maps like
entities etc.  they raised it a while back from default of 12mb to like 14
or so.   and that was just to be safe, they didnt think any map could use
that much ram.  now, this *may* have changed, but I highly doubt it.  they
certainly never said anything about it changing.

this is what valve has said in these lists more than a couple times, i'm
just going on that.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 10:12 PM
Subject: RE: heapsize

| Ok... I'm wrong... but why exactly? Why is setting your heapsize over 32MB
| gross overkill? I'm not just going to take your word for it :-) I've got
| hard data that shows contrary to your statement. If you can *prove* me
| wrong, I'm all for it.
| K2
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Kevin J. Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 8:58 PM
| Subject: Re: RE:
| yes, you are wrong,sry.   there is never a reason to set your heapsize
| 32000, and even that is gross overkill
| this is straight from valves mouth in the past.
| ----- Original Message -----
| From: "K2" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 9:49 PM
| Subject: RE:
| | That depends really on how many players you plan to host on your game
| | port. The 20 player CS ports I run on the Hardfought server would run
| | comfortably with a heapsize set at 64meg (-heapsize 65536) each when
| | full. Now, one thing to keep in mind is this (and feel free to correct
| | me if I'm wrong, I very well could be) - setting the heapsize for your
| | HL port only tells your OS to reserve that amount for hlds.exe that the
| | OS itself wont grab, under any circumstances... so you gotta be a bit
| | careful on how you set it. Say you run a server that has 384MB ram and
| | you set your heapsize to use 256MB. You better make sure the rest of the
| | processes running on your box don't require more than 128meg, or your
| | server performance is going to suffer.
| |
| | What I've noticed on running my CS ports (this is on w2k adv. server
| | SP2) is that on initial startup hlds.exe will consume about 64 meg of
| | physical memory and roughly 122MB of virtual memory, regardless of the
| | heapsize vale. When full with 20 players, physical memory usage will
| | level out at about 130-135MB, give or take a bit. Watch and see how much
| | physical memory your game port will consume when full - that's your key
| | to where you should probably tell hlds to reserve for itself. Maybe add
| | about 8 meg for overhead.
| |
| | K2
| | <>
| |
| |
| |
| | -----Original Message-----
| | From: Mark W. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| | Sent: Friday, October 05, 2001 8:36 PM
| | Subject:
| |
| |
| | What is the best heap size to run your server?
| |
| | Mark
| |
| |

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