
> but this is going to be the same problem we have before, if the telcos dont
> put the vanilla tags in for their servers, then the list will be corrupted
> and useless for searching.


If you want to advertise your vanilla-ness, obviously you'll tag
yourself. Wasn't it all the vanilla admins bitching about not being
able to properly list themselves? If you don't tag your server, you
deserve to be not found. I'm sure plenty of vanilla operators will tag
themselves vanilla if they want to advertise their strengths to
potential players.

As for lying about tags, again, what? If you tag your server vanilla,
you wont get people looking for non-vanilla servers, and will get
people looking vanilla servers. If you're not bloody vanilla, you'll
just get an amazingly small amount of people joining and staying. No
point. Sure some people who can't think very well will try it, but I
highly doubt it'll be enough to render searching by tags pointless.

Of course, a more community based server browser that lets you find
popular servers amoung your friends and communities would still be

- Neph

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