If you are ever wondering what a cvar does, type help cvar or the cvar itself on server console without a value. This happens:

help net_splitpacket_maxrate
"net_splitpacket_maxrate" = "15000" min. 1000.000000 max. 1048576.000000
 - Max bytes per second when queueing splitpacket chunks

"net_splitrate" = "1"
 - Number of fragments for a splitpacket that can be sent per frame

So you actually get some sort of short description with it.

When it comes to choke, especially with TF2, there is a significant difference ragarding choke if you have rate 30000 ior 60000. I find having it high as 60000 (yes, you can argue that it's not needed) will eliminate choke completely.


6.8.2012 0:00, Russell Smith kirjoitti:
minrate of 5000 is quite low, unless you're catering to dialup users. I would try tweaking all of your min rates as well as the splitpacket/splitrate cvars.

Choke itself is caused by the server holding back sending packets to a player. This is due to the players rate being set too low to accomodate however many updates they're requesting with their cl_updaterate setting. In this particular instance that player has a cl_cmdrate and cl_updaterate of 100, but they're only actually receiving 22 updates from the server.

So my guess is that user has a low rate set. You can either tell him to bump it manually, or force it to be higher with a higher sv_minrate setting. The latter is the better choice in my opinion.

Read the last section of this wiki page for more info:

On 8/5/2012 1:37 PM, Peter Reinhold wrote:
Only ones i've set in server.cfg is min and maxrate, 5000 and 0 (unlimited) respectively.

Rest are default, which for me is

sv_minupdaterate 10
sv_maxupdaterate 66
sv_mincmdrate 10
sv_maxcmdrate 66
net_splitpacket_maxrate 15000
net_splitrate 1

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