On 19.02.2015 10:00, Dave Taht wrote:

hnetd exclusive of the library dependencies (which I could easily run
a sloccount for, also, if you care)

d@nuc-client:~/git/hnetd$ sloccount --personcost 110000 generic src test openwrt

SLOC    Directory    SLOC-by-Language (Sorted)
12936   src             ansic=12936
5806    test            ansic=5806
417     generic         sh=417
99      openwrt         sh=99
As a rough estimate of those 12-13 KLOC only about one sixth should be related to DNCP. So I very much doubt that hooking it up to a 3rd-party daemon for topology/TLV-management would make any noticable impact.

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