Erik Kline wrote:
On 26 August 2015 at 15:41, Juliusz Chroboczek
<>  wrote:
Can we just go with whichever recommendations come out of dnssd?
Could you perhaps point me at a specific paragraph of a specific draft and
tell me "Do implement this, we're betting the company on this protocol"?

No, I cannot...not at this time.  But solving the homenet case is a
requirement, and documented in
(section 3, use case "C", I believe).

I am familiar with Appletalk Phase 2, so the concepts in DNS-SD come as no surprise.

However, AFAICS after reading the DNS_SD documents including, I think I detect one hole for Homenet.

Although there's a requirement for topology independent zones and autoconfig, it's a bit opaque to me:

1) if overlapping zones/namespaces are allowed (multiple ISPs with potentially multiple parent delegated name spaces). That was not allowed in Appletalk Phase 2, and the zones were configured manually by an administrator.

2) How the parent namespace(s) are delegated (using zeroconf).

We already have for explicitly delegating address prefixes.

But there doesn't seem yet to be any appetite for a standard mechanism for delegating namespaces (e.g. via DHCPv6).

Juliusz (and others) have objected to because it appears to be tied to the ISP. Yet for reverse resolution, the ISP is an essential party, because they have been delegated the DNS zone for their entire allocated address space. And Homenet uses delegated prefixes from within this overall allocation.

Also DND SD (RFC 6763) states "Address-based Domain Enumeration queries are performed using names under the IPv6 reverse-mapping tree" which is under the direct control of the individual upstream ISPs.

So, what are people expecting to happen here?
ISP's to cooperate with independent name services when sending a DHCPv6 delegation of a namespace e.g. a party like DYNDNS? So the Homenet learns everything via one neatly packaged DHCPv6 exchange with each upstream provider?
Multiple upstream DNS services that need to be updated?
Overlapping namespaces?
Multiple namespace delegation via multiple mechanisms? e.g. Homenet learns the reverse tree from the upstream ISP (via DHCPv6), and forward delegation (glue records) are entered via the domain registrar via http or something else?

In IPv4 I have my own private company domain bootstrapped by my own (manually added AAAA glue records) from my own Domain Registrar (100% independent of my ISP). And the ISP adds dummy static reverse records and A records, so triple resolution works.

Is this what we want for IPv6, or do we have to deal with seeding information into multiple upstream DNS's?

Permitting inbound services and restoring the end to end architecture of the Internet is a big part of Homenet IMVHO

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