You propose that .domus and .home both be possible presented names for the
same object: the home network.   Users will use many devices on the home
network; each of these devices will have to display the same name.   If the
actual name is the same, this is easy.   If the UI has to make it look like
it's the same, this will be hard, and will be gotten wrong.

Users will be expected to visit each others' homes.   Settings in each home
may be different.   Yet printer.domus in home A will reference printer.home
in home B, which will produce an unexpected error when that reference is

The actual name of a thing should always be presented.   Whether it's
copy-and-pasteable is a UI detail, but if you are looking at a pointer, the
pointer should always look the same if it points to the same object, no
matter what device you are using.

Using the same name for every homenet that doesn't have its own global name
has the very nice quality that we don't have to do anything clever to make
it work.   That's why that's what I'm recommending.   I get that it would
be nicer to say .domus for homenets in the vatican, and .home for homenets
in english-speaking countries, but that's harder to achieve, and would have
to add a lot of value to be worth doing.   As Andrew says, answering a
slightly different question, we really don't want to have to do that.

On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 3:52 PM, Michael Richardson <>

> Ted Lemon <> wrote:
>     > model that the user forms will be wrong. If .home and .domus are
> I don't propose that they be the same.
> I'm suggesting that the HNCP will pick one or the other (or some other
> translation) is picked as the single choice.
>     > It's much better not to do this. I think that the model of hiding
>     > ".local" is wrong for just this reason.
> Please explain more. Is it that I should be able to copy and paste from the
> UI to my command line?  How is showing .local in the GUI important?
> --
> Michael Richardson <>, Sandelman Software Works
>  -= IPv6 IoT consulting =-
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