Great information!
That being said - I mentioned last week that I'd be visiting Boston next week and want to get together with someone and play some duets. 2 of the listers have replied - 1 will be out of town, the other would rather just grab the beer (no hard feelings in either case!) So, I'll request again and I'll answer your questions below in case it helps:

1 - I would bring some duets but we're welcome to try whatever you have on hand as well.
2 - I completely understand - but at least it's more fun
3 - Yup. If it's any consolation though, the duets that I'd be bringing I bought from Ken Pope at the last IHS workshop and haven't had a chance to touch them yet. They'd be new to both of us!
4 - Very true!

William Gross wrote:
1) If an wandering horn player his your town and asks, "anyone want to play
duets" an important question to ask is "who is providing the music?"

2) Sight reading duets (for me) is harder than sight reading a lot of other
stuff.  I don't know why, but it is.

3)  If you think such an event may happen again, and you own some duets,
spend some time practising them so you won't have to sight read the next

4)  It is a lot of fun and a neat way to meet other horn players.
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