>From a mobile phone on my way back to base.

Do not get me wrong on this one: i am holding the current situation as not
satisfactory with rrespect to where I would like the organozation to be in
1 or 2 years time when sufficient field exprtise the hot way on the ground
and the ways hum workers are workimng on the ground will be emboddied in
many hotties. This is what you, me, all are striving for ; this has been my
inner priority through the developement of our operations on the ground,
the opportunities to do field work for hotties, my constant behind the
scene support to the remote activations, my work with interns trainees, my
work within the academics in france and senegal/ chad and attention and
support to all overseas mappers willing and interested. Through training/
mentroing and work more hotties will get there. Through extension of
memberships as per the rules and definitoions that we will all contrinute
to set up in the first 4 months of 2013, we will have other people joining
with this background. I'll be then comfrtable stepping away, letting others
leading as boardees and be available for this Organization that Mikel and I
ideated in 2007. As one can read from my profile I supported the hot ideas
while working in the UN when this was not mainstream at all, quite the
opposite. I fought for this and acted in a way which made me decide to give
up a carreer in the UN for helping creating what I believed was vital and
uncovereed by the UN system at that time, HOT that is. I therefore have in
minds and at heart the future of this Organization that we co-founded. I
think we only disagree on the timing for this shift: the time is not right
there for the reasons I laid out. Field not approprpiately represented,
predominance of anglo saxon cultures and in your board over representation
ot IT people (which I admire and treasure but who are a big part but still
a part of what i believe the neeeded talents for hot are).

Side note, I would entirely disagree to have non hot members boardees and
feel hyper strongly that the path to a boardee shall be paved with being
active with hot as a volunteer first, then as a member and then as a
Non hotties can support as volunteers and then as advisors of this board we
will create

The above are perhaps to be pasted in another email thread for our
actions/reflexions in the next months.

Off to station-
Ciao to all


Le 15 janv. 2013 06:19, "Kate Chapman" <k...@maploser.com> a écrit :

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 at 11:45 AM, nicolas chavent
<nicolas.chav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Kate wrote a ...
Actually people have repeatedly emailed me off list and said they did
not think it was appropriate for employees to also be on the board of
directors. This began after the HOT strategic meeting last year when
the decision to pay you and I stipends was made. It is not that the
situation it is different, it is that we were acting incorrectly
before. I've since done research, I would suggest others do their own
research. Additionally within the membership survey there as a not
insignificant amount of people that indicated they did not think that
paid people should be on the board.

I find it ironic that if we had incorporated in France it would be
impossible for anyone to be on the board who was also compensated by
the organization. So had you known how to do the incorporation
paperwork instead of I we would not be even having this discussion.

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