On 8/19/2014 9:30 AM, Andrew Buck wrote:
These do look like good maps, unfortunately they are labeled as
copyrighted to the Sierra Leone Government in 1972, which means they
are still protected by this copyright.  Without a clear statement from
them that we can put them into OSM then I don't think we can use them.
  It is really unfortunate, but we can't risk contaminating our
database with non-free information.

Hi Andrew,

I was wondering 2 things:

1. Is there a process in place or materials we can use to actually try and obtain that permission?

2. While not using maps like these directly, not loading them as a layer or some other direct means, is there any reason I can't look at them separately as a reference to help me locate a settlement or confirm a settlement location?

Maps are reference works and I would think that I can look at them as they are presented on the web (apparently with permission) while doing some geographic related task without violating the spirit or letter of copyright.

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