Hi Jorieke,

The best option (from what you've described) that I can think of would be
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mendhak.gpslogger. I can
record tracks, and then upload them e.g. to dropbox. It's possible to
prefix the track names with device numbers, so you know which track is from
which vehicle.

The only issue may be that when I last looked, it required a bit of
configuration. I think there are config files that you can share, but then
they have to be dropped into the right location. Overall, it's a really
flexible and reliable tool.

(OSMAnd and to an extent Maps.Me can record tracks. OSMAnd can also ping a
server with coordinates, which would give you live tracking, but that may
not work well if you have poor connectivity, but I think GPS logger would
be better.)

It'll be important to ensure that the drivers are aware of the logging, and
to get their consent.

On Wed, 9 Jan 2019 at 12:56, Paul Uithol <paul.uit...@hotosm.org> wrote:

> Hi Jorieke, I know Ivan has been working on some forms of open
> source/lightweight vehicle tracking recently. Ivan, do you have more
> details? Would this be fit for purpose & ready for use?
> best,
> Paul
> On 9-1-2019 13:50, Jorieke Vyncke wrote:
> Hello all,
> Forwarding you a question from Last, our MSF GIS officer in Zimbabwe:
> "I wanted to find out if there is an easy app that we can use to track
> movement of vehicles throughout an area. We are working with a partner whom
> we provide fuel, so we would like to verify the allocations we give them as
> well as have an accurate budget. Currently for our cars we have a tracking
> app installed on the vehicles which is paid for but it is costly so it
> won't be sustainable to implement for this other partner. So possibly what
> I'm looking for is something which the driver can log when he/she commences
> his trip and ends it which can be shared with us either in real-time or
> near-real time."
> Somebody has ideas for him?
> Best regards,
> Jorieke
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