We decided to assign the next *two* AudioBooks at once. This is because we
pushed the recording of the July show back by a week (thus shortening the
time we all have to listen to the next one), and our desire to review a
particularly long AudioBook in September. We figured that if we picked a
short book for August we could also get a head start on September's book.
Hopefully that's a little clearer than it feels to me.

We're really excited about these two books, because both are authored by
HPR community members. August's AudioBook will be Revolution Radio by Seth
Kenlon, and September's will be Street Candles by David Collins-Rivera aka

Revolution Radio: http://aesdiopod.com/books/

Street Candles: http://www.cavalcadeaudio.com/stardrifter.html

The next recording (Revolution Radio) will be 2014/08/12T23:00:00+00:00 (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Times), or August 12th 2014 7:00pm
Eastern US.

The one after (Street Candles) will be 2014/09/09T23:00:00+00:00 (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Times), or September 9th 2014 7:00pm
Eastern US.

The mumble server is ch1.teamspeak.cc port 64747 room HPR.

I've been using Google Calendar for this, because it's good at localizing
the time. If you'd like an invite to the "event," or if you'd like me to
add you to the AudioBookClub mailing list just let me know.

Thank You,
Hpr mailing list

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